Each day, our Nature School Kindergarteners hike the trails of the Long Cove Marsh. They identify plants, animals, and types of scat. They pick up trash to keep the plant and animal habitats safe and clean. They even assisted in repairing a bridge along the trail that was impassable. Whether they know it or not, our young learners are participating in a healing process for the marshland nearly three centuries in the making.
Nature School Kindergarteners and 3-year-olds visit the marsh in January.
For just under 300 years, the quality of the marshland was in decline. In recent years, the Guilford Land Conservation Trust (GLCT) has been working to restore the Long Cove Marsh to its former glory: a healthy marshland home to a wide variety of animal and plant life. As our kindergarteners continue to maintain and beautify this land, they have become an important part of this process.
For this reason, the Nature School Kindergarteners have been named honorary stewards of the Long Cove property. We are so proud of our students, whose efforts are being recognized on a larger scale, and who are helping to make our world a better place!