PreK 4’s Morning Program

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00AM-12:00 PM

Play-based learning across all content areas. Teacher-led instruction and child-led exploration of themes that address all early learning standards. PreK 4 students spend time journaling, hiking, building, creating process art, and engaged in imaginative play. Our PreK 4’s program gives children time and opportunity to develop pre-writing skills through fine motor activities and mark-making. Children spend time indoors and outside in our outdoor learning spaces.

Transitional K

9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Transitional Kindergarten is a program that allows students to a final year of preschool before entering a true kindergarten the following year. This program was designed for children seeking a third year of preschool, and a longer, more challenging day. Transitional K will focus on more specific early learning standards and incorporate kindergarten standards for those children developmentally ready. Transitional K incorporates all afternoon enrichment programming; cultural, art, cooking, and music enrichment as well as a foreign language component built into the day. The children are able to use all of the indoor and outdoor spaces CNS has to offer. 

Afternoon Programs

Art and Artist Enrichment


This class explores the lives of famous artists and allows children the opportunity to create pieces inspired by their work. Children learn about artists’ lives as children, and how they grew up into their craft. All different types of art is explored, including impressionism, pop-art, surrealism, and modern art. Artists range from Frida Kahlo to Banksy, from Van Gogh to Ansel Adams. Children learn to appreciate different types of art and the creative process. 

Music and Musicians Enrichment


Our Music and Musicians enrichment class allows students to learn about different types of music, genres, and musicians throughout history. Children will learn about music from different cultures, with intentional curriculum tie-ins to the other afternoon enrichment classes.

Cultural Enrichment

September - June
Wednesdays and Fridays
12:00 - 2:00 PM

This class explores cultures around the world: customs, holidays, food, music and language. Focus will be on celebrating differences and noticing commonalities between cultures. Cultural enrichment is a two-day a week offering to allow children time to dive deeper into the material and learning. Cultural enrichment also drives the other afternoon enrichment classes, as art, cooking, and music will all spend time focused on art, recipes, music, and celebrations from that culture. These classes can be taken independently, or all together for a meaningful learning experience.

Cooking Science Enrichment

12:00 - 2:00 PM

In cooking science children discover the science behind what happens in the kitchen. Children will learn the basics of growing their own food, the chemistry behind the cooking process, and how to make and create meals and snacks. Exposing children to the process of growing and preparing their food not only encourages them to expand their palates; it allows them to build confidence as they learn new skills. Cooking enrichment allows children to explore foods and ingredients from other countries and cultures, creating a cohesive afternoon experience.