Community Nursery School (CNS) is a cooperative preschool located in Guilford, CT. The school is uniquely located on a scenic, wooded lot with nature trails, an outdoor classroom and two amazing outdoor play areas.
It is our philosophy to provide a nurturing environment that promotes the emotional, social, educational and physical needs of each child. Alongside our committed staff, parents contribute by playing an active role in the early education of their children.
CNS offers classes for Toddlers with care-givers, 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, and 5-year-olds. Additional programming and summer sessions are also available.
Please contact us to arrange a tour of our facilities and to talk more about our cooperative philosophy and play-based learning environment. We look forward to meeting you and your child.

Our Beginning
Founded in 1955 by a group of dedicated parents seeking an active role in the preschool education of their children, Community Nursery School continues to nurture and develop the uniqueness of every child that passes through its doors. CNS is located on land donated by founding member Edwin "Binks" Fisher, Jr., adjacent to local wildlife preserves, trails, and landmarks.
A Cooperative Preschool
As a cooperative preschool, caregivers play a vital role in the school experience of their children. Being a part of the classroom environment is a rewarding experience for both the caregiver and child.
At our cooperative preschool parents or caregivers spend a minimum of four days per year in the classroom, help with one grounds clean up each year, and volunteer at the school's primary fundraiser The Little Folks Fair. Please if you have questions or concerns about cooperative participation.
Additionally, caregivers contribute to the running of CNS through assuming one administrative co-op role each year. There are many ways to contribute such as serving on the Board of Directors, chairing a committee, and working on special projects.